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We come to the third article - in a series of five - in which we delve into the journey of large corporations towards digital leadership. Today we will understand the implications of the second dimension mentioned in the article “The State of Digital Marketing in Brazil: 14 levers to reach maturity”, by McKinsey, the Data and Technology dimension.
But first, if you haven't seen the previous articles where we started our analysis on the dimensions and levers for the digital transformation of large corporations, start here.
As we have already introduced in the first article, the Data and Technology dimension brings to light the pains of large corporations when it comes to managing information in digital assets. The impossibility of generating conclusions and insights about them, causes significant delay in process improvements that could be carried out in real time, if these data were extracted and were integrated with all corporate tools.
At a time when information integration is critical for decision-making by people or by automated systems, this point seems to be of paramount importance for the evolution of your company from Beginner to Digital Leader, don't you think?
Let's understand it better:
The DMR - Digital Marketing Readiness study, mentions that only 2% of the large corporations that participated in the survey already use 360 ° views and CDP - Customer Data Platform, while 58% are still at the Beginner level of digital maturity, without data integration structures and generating ad hoc analysis.
We can notice that there is a clear opportunity for prominence and growth in the market, since the movement of large corporations towards the direction of digital transformation is still slow.
When we talk about the “Use of Data” lever, we talk about the enrichment of your own information, of your corporation, by third party data, which is only possible through integrations. It is not a simple task in a large corporation where different tools are used for different activities. But it is possible!
Combining this lever with the second, “Use of Technology”, which talks about integrated tools, imagine a single platform capable of integrating with your company's social networks, YouTube channel, workflow tools, ERPs and everything else that has an API. Of course, this also results in the combination with the third lever “Integration with the IT area”, after all they will be responsible for checking all the details. Could you imagine?
Yapoli is this platform, a DAM, which positions itself as a medium within the corporate digital ecosystem, precisely so that all of your company's digital assets are centralized in a secure, integrable and measurable environment. It not only assists in the governance of digital assets but also acts intelligently on them, generating insights and significantly improving the processes of large corporations.
As an integrating platform, Yapoli works with information powered by third-party tools that allow the enrichment of the role and importance of each digital asset. Through features and the detailing of information received, Yapoli is able to understand which digital assets are the most efficient.
In the next article we will bring the Investment and Measurement dimension, where we will reflect on the levers on which Yapoli supports large corporations towards digital transformation.
An intelligent DAM (Digital Asset Management) platform that optimizes the management and distribution of digital assets for the industry in a simple, secure, practical, fast and measurable manner.